Emperor Ken's World: Art, Computers and Birds

What's New


14MAR25:  Songbird ReMix Cool 'n' Unusual Birds v4 is in the Renderosity.com store. Watch for a new Nature's Wonders and songbird ReMix set at the end of April.



  • STORE: A place to get my bird art on T-Shirts, Coffee Cups and Pillows, plus 3D Models for Poser, DAZ Studio, Bryce, Vue and other 3D art programs.
  • GALLERIES: Yes, I do do art, and there's a lot of it here-- from oil painting to  photography to digital art and animation. There's even some midi and MP3 music!
  • SONGBIRD REMIX & NATURE'S WONDERS:The homes of my digital bird and other flora and fauna models.  Includes free downloads, tutorials and tips. 
  • QUAIL HOLLOW: Our home; featuring avian photos and information, the environment concerns, Californian native plants and wildflowers and some cool wallpapers.
  • ABOUT KEN: Probably more than you want to know about Emperor Ken is here; resumes, biographies, the awards  and newspaper articles.
  • FUN STUFF: Includes everything else; some games, my story behind my TI-99/4a days, KBGB, some downloads and other stuff.


Quote of the Month

"We must scrupulously guard the civil rights and civil liberties of all our citizens, whatever their background. We must remember that any oppression, any injustice, any hatred, is a wedge designed to attack our civilization."

                   -Franklin Roosevelt