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Current revision (20:57, 7 December 2015) (view source)
(Frogmouths and Nightjars)
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= Ostriches =
*[[Arabian Ostrich]]
= Loons and Grebes =
* [[Little Grebe]]
= Albatrosses, Petrels and Shearwaters =
= Albatrosses, Petrels and Shearwaters =
[[Black-footed Albatross]]
* [[Black-footed Albatross]]
* [[Shy Albatross]]
* [[Common Diving Petrel]]
= Storm Petrels =
= Storm Petrels =
= Pelecaniformes =
= Pelecaniformes =
*[[Dalmatian Pelican]]
* [[Common Shag]]
*[[Great White Pelican]]
* [[Common Shag|European Shag]]
*[[Spot-billed Pelican]]
* [[Japanese Cormorant]]
* [[Japanese Cormorant|Temminck's Cormorant]]
* [[Dalmatian Pelican]]
* [[Great White Pelican]]
* [[Spot-billed Pelican]]
= Wading Birds =
= Wading Birds =
* [[Little Bittern]]
* [[Little Bittern]]
* [[Yellow Bittern]]
* [[Yellow Bittern]]
* [[Eurasian Bittern]] aka Great Bittern
* [[Eurasian Bittern | Eurasian or Great Bittern]]
* [[Australasian Bittern]]
* [[Australasian Bittern]]
* [[Little Egret]]  
* [[Little Egret]]  
* [[Purple Heron]]
* [[Purple Heron]]
* [[Grey Heron]]
* [[Grey Heron]]
* [[Bennu Heron | Bennu or Giant Heron]]
* [[Royal Spoonbill]]
* [[Royal Spoonbill]]
* [[Greater Flamingo]]
* [[Lesser Flamingo]]
* [[Painted Stork]]
* [[Painted Stork]]
* [[Red-crowned Crane]]
= Swans, Geese and Ducks =
* [[Bewick's Swan]]
* [[Mute Swan]]
* [[Whooper Swan]]
* [[Emperor Goose]]
* [[Greylag Goose]]
* [[White-fronted Goose]]
* [[Mallard]]
* [[Gadwall]]
* [[Eurasian Wigeon]]
* [[Northern Pintail]]
* [[Northern Shoveler]]
* [[Eurasian Teal|Common Teal]]
* [[Eurasian Teal]]
* [[Mandarin Duck]]
* [[Red-crested Pochard]]
* [[Pink-headed Duck]] (extinct)
* [[Tufted Duck]]
* [[Lesser Scaup]]
* [[Ferruginous Duck]]
* [[King Eider]]
* [[Black Scoter]]
* [[Smew]]
* [[Common Goldeneye]]
* [[Chinese Merganser]]
* [[Chinese Merganser|Scaly-sided Merganser]]
= Diurnal Raptors =
= Diurnal Raptors =
* [[Egyptian Vulture]]
* Vultures
* [[Eurasian Black or Monk Vulture]]
** [[Bearded Vulture]]
* [[Griffon Vulture]]
** [[Egyptian Vulture]]
* [[Red-headed Vulture]]
** [[Eurasian Black or Monk Vulture]]
** [[Griffon Vulture]]
= Gamebirds =
** [[Himalayan Vulture]]
* [[Small Button Quail]]
** [[Indian Vulture]]
* [[Ringneck Pheasant]]
** [[Bearded Vulture|Lammergeier]]
* [[Borin Wood Pigeon]] (extinct)
** [[Red-headed Vulture]]
** [[Slender-billed Vulture]]
** [[White-rumped Vulture]]
* Falcons
** [[Common Kestrel]]
** [[Merlin]]
** [[Red-headed Falcon|Red-headed Merlin]]
** [[Gyrfalcon]]
** [[Eurasian Hobby]]
** [[Eurasian Hobby|Northern Hobby]]
** [[Peregrine Falcon]]
** [[Red-headed Falcon]]
** [[Pied Falconet]]
** [[White-rumped Pygmy-falcon]]
* Hawks
** [[Eurasian Buzzard|Common Buzzard]]
** [[Eurasian Buzzard]]
** [[Western Honey-Buzzard]]
** [[Black Kite]]
** [[Northern Goshawk]]
** [[Northern Harrier|Hen Harrier]]
** [[Northern Harrier]]
** [[Western Marsh Harrier]]
** [[Shikra]]
** [[Eurasian Sparrowhawk]]
** [[Eurasian Sparrowhawk|Northern Sparrowhawk]]
** [[Chinese Sparrowhawk]]
** [[Chinese Sparrowhawk|Grey Frog Hawk]]
** [[Black Baza]]
** [[Rough-legged Hawk]]
** [[Osprey]]
* Eagles
** [[Palla's Fish-eagle]]
** [[Steller's Sea Eagle]]
** [[White-bellied Sea Eagle]]
** [[Eastern Imperial Eagle]]
** [[Golden Eagle]]
** [[Greater Spotted Eagle]]
** [[Steppe Eagle]]
** [[Philippine Eagle]]
** [[Short-toed Snake-eagle]]
** [[Crested Serpent-eagle]]
** [[Mountain Hawk-eagle]]
= Gruiformes =
= Gruiformes =
* [[Eurasian Coot]]
* [[Red-crowned Crane]]
* [[Red-crowned Crane]]
* [[Sandhill Crane]]
* [[Sandhill Crane]]
= Shorebirds =
= Shorebirds =
* [[Bronze-winged Jacana]]
* [[Comb-crested Jacana]]
* [[Pheasant-tailed Jacana]]
* [[Snowy Plover|Kentish Plover]]
* [[Snowy Plover|Kentish Plover]]
* [[Sociable Lapwing]]
* [[Ruddy Turnstone]]
* [[Ruddy Turnstone]]
* [[Black-winged Stilt]]
* [[Black-winged Stilt]]
* [[Great Knot]]
* [[Great Knot]]
* [[Long-billed Dowitcher]]
* [[Long-billed Dowitcher]]
* [[Common Snipe]]
= Jaegers and Skuas =
= Jaegers and Skuas =
= Gulls, Terns and Skimmers =
= Gulls, Terns and Skimmers =
* [[Caspian Gull]]
* [[Glaucous Gull]]
* [[Glaucous Gull]]
* [[Herring Gull]]
* [[Herring Gull]]
* [[Caspian Tern]]
* [[Common Tern]]
* [[Common Tern]]
* [[Sooty Tern]]
* [[Sooty Tern]]
* [[Common Guillemot or Thin-billed Murre]]
* [[Common Guillemot or Thin-billed Murre]]
= Parrots =
= Gamebirds =
* [[Small Button Quail]]
* [[Ringneck Pheasant]]
= Birds of Paradise =
* [[King of Saxony Bird of Paradise]]
* [[Lesser Bird of Paradise]]
= Pigeons and Doves =
* [[Borin Wood Pigeon]] (extinct)
* [[Eurasian Collared-dove]]
* [[Luzon Bleeding Heart]]
* [[Common Wood-pigeon]]
* [[Pink-necked Green Pigeon]]
* [[Rock Dove (Feral Pigeon)]]
* [[Domestic Pigeon]]
= Cockatoos and Parrots =
* [[Plum-headed Parakeet]]
* [[Plum-headed Parakeet]]
* [[Indian Ringneck Parakeet]]
* [[Indian Ringneck Parakeet]]
* [[Goffin's Cockatoo]]
* [[Goffin's Cockatoo]]
* [[Lesser Citron-crested Cockatoo]]
* [[Lesser Citron-crested Cockatoo]]
* [[Lesser Sulfur-crested Cockatoo]]
* [[Lesser Sulfur-crested Cockatoo | Yellow-crested Cockatoo]]
* [[Moluccan Cockatoo]]
* [[Red & Blue Lory]]
* [[Red & Blue Lory]]
* [[Golden-mantled Racquet-tail]]
* [[Golden-mantled Racquet-tail]]
= Birds of Paradise =
= Cuckoos =
* [[King of Saxony Bird of Paradise]]
* [[Lesser Bird of Paradise]]
= Tits and Nuthatches =
= Owls =
* [[Long-tailed Tit]]
* [[Barn Owl]]
* [[Eurasian Nuthatch]]
* [[Eurasian Scops-owl|Common Scops-owl]]
* [[Eurasian Eagle Owl]]
* [[Eurasian Scops-owl]]
* [[Long-eared Owl]]
* [[Northern Hawk-owl]]
* [[Oriental Bay Owl]]
* [[Tawny Fish-owl]]
= Frogmouths and Nightjars =
*[[Large Frogmouth]]
*[[Short-tailed Frogmouth]]
*[[Bonaparte's Nightjar]]
*[[European Nightjar]]
= Swifts =
= Hummingbirds =
* [[Rufous Hummingbird]]
= Trogons =
= Rollers =
= Kingfishers =
= Bee-eaters =
* [[Rainbow Bee-eater]]
= Hoopoe =
= Toucans and Barbets =
= Woodpeckers =
= Pittas =
= Shrike-flycatchers and their Allies =
* [[Northern Wheatear]]
= Woodswallows =
= Cuckoo-skrikes =
= Shrikes =
= Orioles =
= Drongos =
= Monarchs =
= Crows and their allies =
= Crows and their allies =
* [[Common Magpie]]
* [[Common Magpie]]
* [[Formosan Blue Magpie]]
* [[Eurasian Jay]]
* [[Eurasian Jay]]
* [[Sichuan Jay]]
* [[Western Jackdaw]]
* [[Western Jackdaw]]
* [[European Blackbird]]
* [[European Blackbird | Eurasian Blackbird]]
= Waxwings =
* [[Bohemian Waxwing]]
= Tits =
* [[Willow Tit]]
= Swallows and Martins =
= Long-tailed Tits =
* [[Long-tailed Tit]]
= Larks =
* [[Crested Lark]]
* [[Horned Lark]]
* [[Horned Lark|Shore Lark]]
= Cisticolas and Prinias =
= Bulbuls =
= Old World Warblers =
* [[Aquatic Warbler]]
* [[Icterine Warbler]]
* [[Common Chifchaf]]
* [[Goldcrest]]
= Babblers and Parrotbills =
= White-eyes =
= Crests =
* [[Taiwan Flamecrest]]
= Wrens =
= Nuthatches =
* [[Eurasian Nuthatch]]
= Treecreepers =
= Starlings =
* [[Black-winged Starling]]
* [[European Starling]]
* [[European Starling]]
= Chats, Thrushes & Robins =
= Chats, Thrushes & Robins =
* [[European Robin]]
* [[European Robin]]
* [[Yellow-breasted Bunting]]
* [[Common Nightingale]]
* [[Blue Rock-Thrush]]
* [[White-browed Bushchat]]
* [[White-browed Bushchat]]
* [[Bluethroat]]
* [[Common Redstart]]
* [[Redwing]]
* [[Yellow-breasted Bunting]]
= Dippers =
= Leafbirds =
= Flowerpeckers =
* [[Scarlet-collared Flowerpecker]]
= Sunbirds =
= Sparrows and Snowfinches =
* [[Arabian Golden Sparrow]]
* [[Dead Sea Sparrow]]
* [[Eurasian Tree Sparrow]]
* [[Russet Sparrow]]
* [[Spanish Sparrow]]
* [[Spanish Sparrow|Willow Sparrow]]
= Weavers =
= Waxbills and Munias =
= Indigobirds and Whydahs =
= Accentors =
= Pipits ans Wagtails =
= Finches =
= Finches =
* [[Hoary Redpoll]]
* [[Bonin Grosbeak]]  (extinct)
* [[European Goldfinch]]
* [[European Goldfinch]]
* [[Common Linnet]]
* [[Common Linnet]]
* [[Eurasian Bullfinch]]
* [[Eurasian Bullfinch]]
* [[Common Chaffinch]]
* [[Common Chaffinch]]
* [[Hawfinch]]
* [[Eurasian Siskin]]
= New World Warblers =
= New World Blackbirds =
= Buntings and New World Sparrows =

Current revision