NORTH AMERICA: Northern Canada & the Arctic

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Current revision (22:57, 7 December 2015) (view source)
[[Bird_Library|Return to Main Library Page]]
= Loons and Grebes =
* [[Arctic Loon]]  ''aka Black-throated Diver''
* [[Great Northern Loon]]
* [[Pied-billed Grebe]]
* [[Western Grebe]]
= Albatrosses, Petrels and Shearwaters =
= Storm Petrels =
= Pelecaniformes =
* [[Double-crested Cormorant]]
* [[Northern Gannet]]
* [[Brown Pelican]]
= Swans, Geese and Ducks =
* [[Trumpeter Swan]]
* [[Tundra Swan]]
* [[Tundra Swan|Whistling Swan]]
* [[Whooper Swan]]
* [[Canada Goose]]
* [[Emperor Goose]]
* [[White-fronted Goose]]
* [[American Wigeon]]
* [[Eurasian Wigeon]]
* [[Blue-winged Teal]]
* [[Gadwall]]
* [[Northern Pintail]]
* [[Northern Shoveler]]
* [[Tufted Duck]]
* [[Lesser Scaup]]
* [[Greater Scaup]]
* [[King Eider]]
* [[Harlequin Duck]]
* [[Black Scoter]]
* [[Common Goldeneye]]
* [[Bufflehead]]
* [[Hooded Merganser]]
= Diurnal Raptors =
* Falcons
** [[American Kestrel]]
** [[Merlin]]
** [[Gyrfalcon]]
** [[Peregrine Falcon]]
* Hawks
** [[Northern Goshawk]]
** [[Northern Harrier]]
** [[Red-tailed hawk|Red-tailed Hawk]]
** [[Rough-legged Hawk]]
** [[Sharp-shinned Hawk]]
** [[Osprey]]
* Eagles
** [[Bald Eagle]]
** [[Golden Eagle]]
= Upland Game Birds =
= Upland Game Birds =
* [[Rock Ptarmigan]]
* [[Rock Ptarmigan]]
* [[Spruce Grouse]]
* [[Spruce Grouse]]
= Shorebirds =
* [[Snowy Plover]]
* [[Killdeer]]
* [[Ruddy Turnstone]]
* [[Lesser Yellowlegs]]
* [[Greater Yellowlegs]]
* [[Whimbrel]]
* [[Long-billed Curlew]]
* [[Black-tailed Godwit]]
* [[Wandering Tattler]]
* [[Dunlin]]
* [[Least Sandpiper]]
* [[Long-billed Dowitcher]]
* [[Common Snipe]]
= Jaegers and Skuas =
* [[Arctic Skua]]
= Gulls, Terns and Skimmers =
* [[Glaucous Gull]]
* [[Herring Gull]]
* [[Ring-billed Gull]]
* [[Common Tern]]
* [[Least Tern]]
= Alcids =
* [[Atlantic Puffin]]
* [[Horned Puffin]]
* [[Tufted Puffin]]
* [[Crested Auklet]]
* [[Parakeet Auklet]]
* [[Rhinoceros Auklet]]
* [[Whiskered Auklet]]
* [[Dovekie or Little Auk]]
* [[Razorbill]]
* [[Common Guillemot or Thin-billed Murre]]
= Owls =
* [[Barn Owl]]
* [[Great Horned Owl]]
* [[Long-eared Owl]]
* [[Northern Hawk-owl]]
* [[Short-eared Owl]]
* [[Snowy Owl]]
* [[Spotted Owl]]
* [[Western Screech-Owl]]
= Goatsuckers & Swifts =
* [[Common Nighthawk]]
= Hummingbirds and Allies =
* [[Anna's Hummingbird]]
* [[Black-chinned Hummingbird]]
* [[Calliope Hummingbird]]
* [[Rufous Hummingbird]]
= Kingfishers =
* [[Belted Kingfisher]]
= Woodpeckers =
* [[Downy Woodpecker]]
* [[Hairy Woodpecker]]
* [[Northern Flicker (Red-shafted)]]
* [[Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted)]]
* [[Pileated Woodpecker]]
* [[White-headed Woodpecker]]
* [[Yellow-bellied Sapsucker]]
= Shrikes & Vireos =
= Shrikes & Vireos =
* [[Loggerhead Shrike]]
* [[Loggerhead Shrike]]
= Jays, Crows & Allies =
* [[American Crow]]
* [[Common Raven]]
* [[Blue Jay]]
* [[Gray Jay]]
* [[Stellar's Jay]]
= Larks =
* [[Horned Lark]]
= Chickadees & Allies =
* [[Blacked-capped Chickadee | Black-capped Chickadee]]
* [[Boreal Chickadee]]
* [[Chestnut-backed Chickadee]]
* [[Mountain Chickadee]]
= Nuthatches & Creepers =
* [[Red-breasted Nuthatch]]
* [[Brown Creeper]]
= Wrens =
* [[Bewick's Wren]]
* [[House Wren]]
= Old World Warblers, Thrushes & Allies =
* [[American Dipper]]
* [[American Robin]]
* [[Swainson's Thrush]]
* [[Wood Thrush]]
* [[Mountain Bluebird]]
= Waxwings =
* [[Bohemian Waxwing]]
= Wood-Warblers =
* [[Wilson's Warbler]]
= Emberizine Sparrows & their Allies =
= Emberizine Sparrows & their Allies =
* [[American Tree Sparrow]]
* [[Fox Sparrow]]
* [[Golden-crowned Sparrow]]
* [[Harris's Sparrow]]
* [[Lark Sparrow]]
* [[Lincoln's Sparrow]]
* [[White-crowned Sparrow]]
* [[White-crowned Sparrow]]
* [[Dark-eyed Junco]]
* [[Dark-eyed Junco]]
= Finches & Old World Sparrows =
* [[Hoary Redpoll]]
* [[American Goldfinch]]

Current revision