Environmental Issues and Birds

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Hmmm… starting to notice a trend? Human involvement appears to have a whole lot to do with that “natural selection” argument offered.  Okay, fine… so we are causing some species to go extinct.  What difference does that make?  Well, apart from the obvious moral and quality of life issues, loss of species can harm us and our existence in ways we’re only starting to understand.  The birds, as well as bees and butterflies of our planet are important pollinators. Without pollinators, crops may flower but won’t fruit, hence no food makes it to the supermarket making higher prices and less food available. Hmmm, that could be problem, couldn’t it?  
Hmmm… starting to notice a trend? Human involvement appears to have a whole lot to do with that “natural selection” argument offered.  Okay, fine… so we are causing some species to go extinct.  What difference does that make?  Well, apart from the obvious moral and quality of life issues, loss of species can harm us and our existence in ways we’re only starting to understand.  The birds, as well as bees and butterflies of our planet are important pollinators. Without pollinators, crops may flower but won’t fruit, hence no food makes it to the supermarket making higher prices and less food available. '''One out of every three spoonfuls of food we eat is polinated'''. Hmmm, that could be problem, couldn’t it?  
Woodpeckers around the globe are in serious decline. So what happens when there are no more woodpeckers to keep beetles and other wood eaters from decimating our forests?  When forests go into decline it causes not only lumber shortages but higher forest fire risks.  Forests provide shelter and habitat to a number of other creatures. Without the symbiotic bond, both suffer and populations decline more quickly. Even for the less eco friendly, the decline in forests can be troubling. For hunters, poor forest health means less game.  For business, it means less product from trees; less timber, less paper, even less maple syrup.  For all of us, since scientists consider the forests of the world the earth’s lungs, less forests means less ozone.  
Woodpeckers around the globe are in serious decline. So what happens when there are no more woodpeckers to keep beetles and other wood eaters from decimating our forests?  When forests go into decline it causes not only lumber shortages but higher forest fire risks.  Forests provide shelter and habitat to a number of other creatures. Without the symbiotic bond, both suffer and populations decline more quickly. Even for the less eco friendly, the decline in forests can be troubling. For hunters, poor forest health means less game.  For business, it means less product from trees; less timber, less paper, even less maple syrup.  For all of us, since scientists consider the forests of the world the earth’s lungs, less forests means less ozone.  
These three examples are trends we know about… what about all the hundreds of connections we don’t know exist?  If we break too many of these, are we tipping the scales towards our own extinction?
These three examples are trends we know about… what about all the hundreds of connections we don’t know exist?  If we break too many of these, are we tipping the scales towards our own extinction?
Audubon recently reported that based on the last 40 years of data, even common species will not be so common tomorrow.  Since 1967 the average population of common birds in the United Sates have fallen 70% from 17.6 million to 5.35 million individuals. Certain areas, such as California, are showing declines as much as 95% in some species. So the threat of extinction isn’t limited to obscure and rare species in someone else’s yard-- it’s the jay in your yard, the hummingbird working your flowers, the finches chattering in your tree… and their survival is your responsibility.
Audubon recently reported that based on the last 40 years of data, even common species will not be so common tomorrow.  Since 1967 the average population of common birds in the United Sates have fallen 70% from 17.6 million to 5.35 million individuals. Certain areas, such as California, are showing declines as much as 95% in some species. So the threat of extinction isn’t limited to obscure and rare species in someone else’s yard-- it’s the jay in your yard, the hummingbird working your flowers, the finches chattering in your tree… and their survival is '''your responsibility'''.
== Making Easy Choices ==
== Making Easy Choices ==
'''Do great art.''' This one’s real easy. The primary idea behind the “Threatened, Endangered, Extinct” theme is that artist will be able to create imagery using the included bird species and help spread awareness. You have some tools with the “More Threatened, Endangered, Extinct” Songbird ReMix package. Use them and make a difference. Post your artwork featuring the endangered birds and tell your audience of their plights. Use the text in the Field Guide or write your own. I guarantee you someone will be moved, and perhaps, moved enough to also make a difference.
'''Do great art.''' This one’s real easy. The primary idea behind the Songbird Remix models is that artist will be able to create imagery using the included bird species and help spread awareness. If you have a Songbird ReMix package, use it and make a difference. Post your artwork featuring endangered birds and tell your audience of their plights. Use the text in the Field Guide or write your own. I guarantee you someone will be moved, and perhaps, moved enough to also make a difference.
'''Heal the earth one garden at a time.''' One of the primary causes for endangerment and extinction is habitat loss. While few of us can purchase tracts of land to protect and save habitat, almost everyone can garden. Here’s your opportunity to give back to the planet. If you have planting space, whether it be acres or a couple pots on your balcony, use it and plant native plants. You know, the ones that actually belong there. If you’re not aware of what’s native to your area, contact your local native plant society or do internet searches. Native plants and the birds, insects and other wildlife have ancient relationships.  Once you start planting the right plants, the wildlife will rekindle these relationships.  From my own experience, our bird count when from 40 different species a year to over 100 within a three year period. The types of butterflies tripled and the native mammals and insects I didn’t even know existed in our area now are frequent visitors.  
'''Heal the earth one garden at a time.''' One of the primary causes for endangerment and extinction is habitat loss. While few of us can purchase tracts of land to protect and save habitat, almost everyone can garden. Here’s your opportunity to give back to the planet. If you have planting space, whether it be acres or a couple pots on your balcony, use it and plant native plants. You know, the ones that actually belong there. If you’re not aware of what’s native to your area, contact your local native plant society or do internet searches. Native plants and the birds, insects and other wildlife have ancient relationships.  Once you start planting the right plants, the wildlife will rekindle these relationships.  From my own experience, our bird count when from 40 different species a year to over 100 within a three year period. The types of butterflies tripled and the native mammals and insects I didn’t even know existed in our area now are frequent visitors.  
The real problem is us; the human race. We’re supposedly the smart ones on the planet, yet we level and pollute our surroundings, then overpopulate it with reckless abandonment and don’t expect consequences.  At the rate we’re going, we will soon find our planet on the endangered species list, thanks entirely to ourselves.
The real problem is us; the human race. We’re supposedly the smart ones on the planet, yet we level and pollute our surroundings, then overpopulate it with reckless abandonment and don’t expect consequences.  At the rate we’re going, we will soon find our planet on the endangered species list, thanks entirely to ourselves.
'''Vote Smart.''' When deciding whom to vote for, don’t trust the mailers or the candidate’s lip service.  Just because they may title initiatives “Clean Air” or “Healthy Forests” doesn’t make it so.  Check their records. How did they really vote? The internet is great for that. The League of Women Voters (www.lwv.org) even has environmental score cards. The National Audubon Society (http://www.audubon.org/campaign) has an “Advisory” newsletter it emails out that states what going on in the Capital and even provides links to your elected officials along with editable form letters to express your concerns.
'''Vote Smart.''' When deciding whom to vote for, don’t trust the mailers or the candidate’s lip service. Just because they may title initiatives “Clean Air” or “Healthy Forests” doesn’t make it soCheck their records. How did they really vote? The internet is great for that. The League of Women Voters (www.lwv.org) even has environmental score cards. The National Audubon Society (http://www.audubon.org/campaign) has an “Advisory” newsletter it emails out that states what going on in the Capital and even provides links to your elected officials along with editable form letters to express your concerns.  
Even more important is phone calls and letters to your elected officials expressing how important environmental issues are to you. Consider this, PR firms, lobbyists and others make daily contact with your representatives “helping” to explain the “needs” of their constituents. I’m sure your representatives hearing this day in and day out might start to believe that’s what you want. Call them and set them straight. I constantly hear from some my representives that they "care" about the environment but it isn't a good financial time right now or it will hurt jobsMy answer is there's very little road to kick the can down anymore. Jobs and money won't matter very much if we've killed off any chance for our planet to produce fresh air, water and food. The Native American Cree said it best over a 100 years ago:
: Only after the last tree has been cut down.
: Only after the last river has been poisoned.
: Only after the last fish has been caught.
: Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.
Even more important is phone calls and letters to your elected officials expressing how important environmental issues are to you. Consider this, PR firms, lobbyists and others make daily contact with your representatives “helping” to explain the “needs” of their constituents. I’m sure your representatives hearing this day in and day out might start to believe that’s what you want. Call them and set them straight.
Yes, you can make a difference, if you want to…
Yes, you can make a difference, if you want to…
Take a look in the mirror. “They” is “us”. Take responsibility and start to make changes. You’ll find your neighbors, family and friends will be more likely to also change habits and take responsibility from your example.
Take a look in the mirror. “They” is “us”. Take responsibility and start to make changes. You’ll find your neighbors, family and friends will be more likely to also change habits and take responsibility from your example.
No, I’m not saying everyone should get their taxes raised—but why not pay your fair share?  For $5 to $20, you (and everyone in your car) can visit one of the US National Parks. That $5 to $20 is not for a day, but a full week. The US government has kept these prices low so that people of modest means can enjoy the natural beauty.  Almost every visitor center has a donation box—a day at Disneyland or out at the movies would have cost you considerably more—pay your fair share.
No, I’m not saying everyone should get their taxes raised—but why not pay your fair share?  For $5 to $20, you (and everyone in your car) can visit one of the US National Parks. That $5 to $20 is not for a day, but a full week. The US government has kept these prices low so that people of modest means can enjoy the natural beauty.  '''Almost every visitor center has a donation box—'''  a day at Disneyland or out at the movies would have cost you considerably more— pay your fair share by donating generously.
As far as organizations helping out—yes, there are a lot of organizations that try to help the environments and there are a few of them that make a difference despite their meager resources. But remember this, there are more organizations bent on exploiting our planet’s natural resources until these resources have been squeezed of their last penny of profit. Their financial resources dwarf the “tree huggers” financial abilities and their tactics are often without conscience whereas an environmental group has to play by the rules and is scrutanized making sure it fights its’ battles fairly.
As far as organizations helping out—yes, there are a lot of organizations that try to help the environments and there are a few of them that make a difference despite their meager resources. But remember this, there are more organizations bent on exploiting our planet’s natural resources until these resources have been squeezed of their last penny of profit. Their financial resources dwarf the “tree huggers” financial abilities and their tactics are often without conscience whereas an environmental group has to play by the rules and is scrutanized making sure it fights its’ battles fairly.
Frustrate a developer… Of course, not everyone can do this but 6-7 years ago, two vacant weed lots near our house came up for sale.  We (my wife and I) offered an amount that cut deep enough into the developers’ profit margins that they backed away from bidding on it.  We then turned the property in a native garden with the intention of never building on the property. We felt it was our turn to give back to the planet.  The developer approached us a year later, insisting that I sell one of the lots to him because it didn’t make any sense not to develop it.  Standing there arguing with him in our native garden, I realized that greed blinds so many people. He could not see that the property had been developed (into a beautiful native garden) nor could he see the wealth of natural beauty and life that surrounded him.
'''Frustrate a developer…''' Of course, not everyone can do this but years ago, two vacant weed lots near our house came up for sale.  We (my wife and I) offered an amount that cut deep enough into the developers’ profit margins that they backed away from bidding on it.  We then turned the property in a native garden with the intention of never building on the property. We felt it was our turn to give back to the planet.  The developer approached us a year later, insisting that I sell one of the lots to him because it didn’t make any sense not to develop it.  Standing there arguing with him in our native garden, I realized that greed blinds so many people. He could not see that the property had been developed (into a beautiful native garden) nor could he see the wealth of natural beauty and life that surrounded him.
Population—a sticky issue…. Of course, there’s argument that the planet isn’t over-populated—but then again there’s argument that Global-warming isn’t happening, the dinosaurs are simply a fairy tale and smoking is good for you.  Consider this, it is predicted that within a decade there will not be not enough fresh water for the world population.  Food is already in short supply in some portions of the world.  The human population is the single largest factor in the depletion and destruction of our planet’s resources and the sooner we face up to it, the better.
'''Population—a sticky issue….''' Of course, there’s argument that the planet isn’t over-populated—but then again there’s argument that Global-warming isn’t happening, the dinosaurs are simply a fairy tale and smoking is good for you.  Consider this, it is predicted that within a decade there will not be not enough fresh water for the world population.  Food is already in short supply in some portions of the world.  The human population is the single largest factor in the depletion and destruction of our planet’s resources and the sooner we face up to it, the better.
Recently I went to a family event celebrating my Grandfather’s birthday.  At dinner, to my astonishment, I noted that there were over 100 relatives in the room—his six kids—their children and their children’s children—and that was just my Mother’s side of the family.  Both sides added up to  over 150 people from two sets of grandparents.  I love my family but I was troubled. I sat quietly thinking about all the resources, all the acres of additional land that had to be cleared, the species to be killed to accommodate my family and their needs. Do we have the right to reproduce like rabbits?  
Recently I went to a family event celebrating my Grandfather’s birthday.  At dinner, to my astonishment, I noted that there were over 100 relatives in the room—his six kids—their children and their children’s children—and that was just my Mother’s side of the family.  Both sides added up to  over 150 people from two sets of grandparents.  I love my family but I was troubled. I sat quietly thinking about all the resources, all the acres of additional land that had to be cleared, the species to be killed to accommodate my family and their needs. Do we have the right to reproduce like rabbits?  
Make responsible choices. Advertisers thrive on you making as many irresponsible and impulsive choices as possible.  Look in the mirror, be honest with yourself. Do you really need that huge SUV or 4,000 square foot home? Think of the resources and money you would save by living more modestly and environmentally friendly. Look at your footsteps.   
'''Make responsible choices.''' Advertisers thrive on you making as many irresponsible and impulsive choices as possible.  Look in the mirror, be honest with yourself. Do you really need that huge SUV or 4,000 square foot home? Think of the resources and money you would save by living more modestly and environmentally friendly. Look at your footsteps.   
Work and Play responsibly.  Is it really faster to leaf blow your yard than using a rake?  I can rake our yard just as fast as a “Mow and Blow” garderner can without the pollution, dust and noise and actually get some exercise and quality time in the garden.  Plus, my yard waste ends up as mulch in the garden or is properly thrown in the green recycle barrel and not simply blown into the street and my adjacent neighbors’ yard.
'''Work and Play responsibly.''' Is it really faster to leaf blow your yard than using a rake?  I can rake our yard just as fast as a “Mow and Blow” garderner can without the pollution, dust and noise and actually get some exercise and quality time in the garden.  Plus, my yard waste ends up as mulch in the garden or is properly thrown in the green recycle barrel and not simply blown into the street and my adjacent neighbors’ yard.
Off-roading has become increasingly popular, whether it’s in a 4x4 truck, a snowmobile, a bike or on a motorized watertoy.  What are the repercussions of this?  Pollution, damaging fragile eco-systems (by crushing plants, leaking oil, distrubing areas with noise).  Did you know that the wilderness that you’ve been playing in may mean the possible extinction of a species?   
Off-roading has become increasingly popular, whether it’s in a 4x4 truck, a snowmobile, a bike or on a motorized watertoy.  What are the repercussions of this?  Pollution, damaging fragile eco-systems (by crushing plants, leaking oil, distrubing areas with noise).  Did you know that the wilderness that you’ve been playing in may mean the possible extinction of a species?   

Current revision