NORTH AMERICA: Mexico, Central America & Carribean

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Current revision (22:58, 7 December 2015) (view source)
== NORTH AMERICA: Mexico, Central America & Carribean ==
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=== Diurnal Raptors ===
= Loons and Grebes =
* [[Great Northern Loon]]
* [[Pied-billed Grebe]]
  * [[American Black Vulture]]
= Albatrosses, Petrels and Shearwaters =
  * [[Turkey Vulture]]
* [[Black-capped Petrel]]
=== Cracids and Turkey ===
= Storm Petrels =
=== Tinamous, Wood-Partridges, Forest Quail, Bush Quail ===
= Pelecaniformes =
* [[Blue-footed Booby]]
* [[Masked Booby]]
* [[Double-crested Cormorant]]
* [[Magnificent Frigatebird]]
* [[American White Pelican]]
* [[Brown Pelican]]
==== Crakes, Rails, Jacana ====
= Wading Birds =
* [[American Bittern]]
* [[Great Blue Heron]]
* [[Great Egret]]
* [[Snowy Egret]]
* [[Reddish Egret]] (Dark Morph)
* [[Cattle Egret]]
* [[Green Heron]]
* [[Black-crowned Night Heron]]
* [[Bare-throated Tiger Heron]]
* [[Little Blue Heron]]
* [[Roseate Spoonbill]]
* [[Scarlet Ibis]]
* [[American Flamingo]]
* [[American Flamingo|Caribbean Flamingo]]
* [[Jabiru]]
* [[Wood Stork]]
=== Sunbittern, Sungrebe, Plover, Thick-Knee/Pigeons ===
= Swans, Geese and Ducks =
* [[Tundra Swan]]
* [[Tundra Swan|Whistling Swan]]
* [[Canada Goose]]
* [[American Wigeon]]
* [[Black-bellied Whistling Duck]]
* [[Blue-winged Teal]]
* [[Cinnamon Teal]]
* [[Gadwall]]
* [[Mallard]]
* [[Muscovy Duck]]
* [[Northern Pintail]]
* [[Northern Shoveler]]
* [[Wood Duck]]
* [[Redhead]]
* [[Lesser Scaup]]
* [[Black Scoter]]
* [[Ruddy Duck]]
=== Ground-Doves, Doves and Quail-Doves ===
= Diurnal Raptors =
* Vultures & Condors
** [[American Black Vulture]]
** [[King Vulture]]
** [[Lesser Yellow-headed Vulture]]
** [[Turkey Vulture]]
** [[California Condor]]
* Falcons
** [[American Kestrel]]
** [[Merlin]]
** [[Aplomado Falcon]]
** [[Bat Falcon]]
** [[Collared Forest-falcon]]
** [[Laughing Falcon]]
** [[Peregrine Falcon]]
** [[Crested Caracara]]
* Hawks
** [[Snail Kite]]
** [[Swallow-tailed Kite]]
** [[Northern Harrier]]
** [[Black-collared Hawk]]
** [[Cooper's Hawk]]
** [[Ferruginous Hawk]]
** [[Harris Hawk]]
** [[Red-tailed hawk]]
** [[Red-shouldered Hawk]]
** [[Sharp-shinned Hawk]]
** [[White Hawk]]
** [[Osprey]]
* Eagles
** [[Bald Eagle]]
** [[Harpy Eagle]]
** [[Ornate Hawk-eagle]]
=== Parrots, Macaws, Parakeets and Allies ===
= Gruiformes =
* [[American Coot]]
  * [[Military Macaw]]
= Shorebirds =
  * [[Cuban Red Macaw]] (extinct)
* [[Northern Jacana]]
  * [[Blue-headed Parrot]]
* [[Wattled Jacana]]
  * [[Thick-billed Parrot]]
* [[Snowy Plover]]
  * [[Double Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot]]
* [[Killdeer]]
* [[American Avocet]]
* [[Black-necked Stilt]]
* [[Greater Yellowlegs]]
* [[Whimbrel]]
* [[Long-billed Curlew]]
* [[Wandering Tattler]]
* [[Least Sandpiper]]
* [[Long-billed Dowitcher]]
=== Cuckoos & their Allies ===
= Jaegers and Skuas =
* [[Arctic Skua]]
  * [[Greater Roadrunner]]
= Gulls, Terns and Skimmers =
* [[Herring Gull]]
* [[Ring-billed Gull]]
* [[Common Tern]]
* [[Least Tern]]
* [[Sooty Tern]]
* [[White Fairy Tern]]
=== Nightjars ===
= Alcids =
* [[Guadalupe Murrelet]]
* [[Script's Murrelet]]
=== Swifts ===
= Cracids and Turkey =
=== Hermits, Sabrewings, Starthroats, Hummingbirds and Allies ===
= Tinamous, Wood-Partridges, Forest Quail, Bush Quail =
=== Toucans, Aracaris & Toucanets ===
= Crakes, Rails, Jacana =
  * [[Emerald Toucanet]]
= Sunbittern, Sungrebe, Plover, Thick-Knee/Pigeons =
  * [[Collared Aracari]]
  * [[Fiery-billed Aracari]]
  * [[Keel-billed Toucan]]
=== Trogons ===
= Ground-Doves, Doves and Quail-Doves =
* [[Socorro Dove]] (Extinct-in-the-Wild)
  * [[Elegant Trogon]]
= Parrots, Macaws, Parakeets and Allies =
  * [[Resplendent Quetzal]]
* [[Military Macaw]]
  * [[Blue-crowned Motmot]]
* [[Cuban Red Macaw]] (extinct)
* [[Blue-headed Parrot]]
* [[Thick-billed Parrot]]
* [[Double Yellow-headed Amazon Parrot]]
=== Kingfishers ===
= Cuckoos & their Allies =
* [[Greater Roadrunner]]
  * [[Amazon Kingfisher]]
= Owls =
  * [[American Pygmy Kingfisher]]
* [[Barn Owl]]
* [[Burrowing Owl]]
* [[Crested Owl]]
* [[Great Horned Owl]]
* [[Long-eared Owl]]
* [[Short-eared Owl]]
* [[Spectacled Owl]]
* [[Spotted Owl]]
=== Woodpeckers ===
= Goatsuckers & Swifts =
* [[Common Nighthawk]]
* [[Puerto Rican Nightjar]]
* [[Chuck-will's Widow]]
* [[Eastern Whip-poor-will]]
* [[Common Poor-will]]
  * [[Chestnut-colored Woodpecker]]
= Hermits, Sabrewings, Starthroats, Hummingbirds and Allies =
* [[Allen's Hummingbird]]
* [[Anna's Hummingbird]]
* [[Bahama Woodstar]]
* [[Bee Hummingbird]]
* [[Black-chinned Hummingbird]]
* [[Broad-billed Hummingbird]]
* [[Calliope Hummingbird]]
* [[Costa’s Hummingbird]]
* [[Cuban Emerald ]]
* [[Red-billed Streamertail|Doctor Bird]]
* [[Magnificent Hummingbird]]
* [[Mexican Woodnymph]]
* [[Red-billed Streamertail]]
* [[Ruby-throated Hummingbird]]
* [[Rufous Hummingbird]]
* [[Cuban Emerald |Zun-zun]]
* [[Bee Hummingbird|Zunzuncito]]
* [[Purple-throated Mountaingem]]
=== Ovenbirds, Antbirds, Gnatwrens ===
= Toucans, Aracaris & Toucanets =
* [[Emerald Toucanet]]
* [[Collared Aracari]]
* [[Fiery-billed Aracari]]
* [[Keel-billed Toucan]]
  * [[Tawny-throated Leaftosser]]
= Trogons =
  * [[Barred Antshrike]]
* [[Elegant Trogon]]
* [[Resplendent Quetzal]]
* [[Blue-crowned Motmot]]
=== Manakins & Vireos ===
= Kingfishers =
* [[Amazon Kingfisher]]
* [[American Pygmy Kingfisher]]
= Woodpeckers =
* [[Chestnut-colored Woodpecker]]
= Ovenbirds, Antbirds, Gnatwrens =
* [[Tawny-throated Leaftosser]]
* [[Barred Antshrike]]
= Manakins & Vireos =
* [[White-collared Manakin]]
* [[White-collared Manakin]]
= Swallows =
= Swallows =
* [[Mangrove Swallow]]
* [[Mangrove Swallow]]
= Nuthatches and Creepers =
* [[White-breasted Nuthatch]]
= Jays =
= Jays =
* [[Black-throated Magpie Jay]]
* [[Black-throated Magpie Jay]]
* [[Green Jay]]
* [[Yucatan Jay]]
* [[Yucatan Jay]]
= Thrashers =
= Chickadees & Allies =
* [[Cozumel Thrasher]](probably extinct)
* [[Mexican Chickadee]]
= Old World Warblers, Thrushes & Allies =
* [[Mountain Bluebird]]
= Mimids =
* [[Cozumel Thrasher]] (probably extinct)
= Honeycreepers =
= Honeycreepers =
* [[Bananaquit]]
* [[Bananaquit]]
* [[Hooded Oriole]]
* [[Hooded Oriole]]
* [[Orange Oriole]]
* [[Orange Oriole]]
= Wood-Warblers =
* [[Bachman's Warbler]] (Extinct)
* [[Cerulean Warbler]]
* [[Golden-cheeked Warbler]]
* [[Golden-winged Warbler]]
* [[Kirtland's Warbler]]
* [[Wilson's Warbler]]
* [[Yellow Warbler]]
* [[Yellow-rumped Warbler]]
* [[Painted Redstart]]
= Finches & Old World Sparrows =
* [[American Goldfinch]]
* [[Lesser Goldfinch]]
* [[House Finch]]
= Emberizine Sparrows & their Allies =
* [[Black-throated Sparrow]]
* [[Lark Sparrow]]
* [[Lincoln's Sparrow]]
* [[Rufous-crowned Sparrow]]
* [[Rufous-winged Sparrow]]
* [[Savannah Sparrow]]
* [[Song Sparrow]]

Current revision