Pages with the fewest revisions

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  1. Red-headed Woodpecker ‎(5 revisions)
  2. California Gnatcatcher ‎(5 revisions)
  3. Spotted Owl ‎(5 revisions)
  4. Australian Ringneck ‎(5 revisions)
  5. White Stork ‎(5 revisions)
  6. House Finch ‎(5 revisions)
  7. Carolina Parakeet ‎(5 revisions)
  8. Swainson's Toucan ‎(5 revisions)
  9. Marvelous Spatuletail ‎(5 revisions)
  10. Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted) ‎(5 revisions)
  11. Greater Flamingo ‎(5 revisions)
  12. Red-billed Streamertail ‎(5 revisions)
  13. Least Bell's Vireo ‎(5 revisions)
  14. Common Snipe ‎(5 revisions)
  15. Loggerhead Shrike ‎(5 revisions)
  16. The Price of Extinction ‎(5 revisions)
  17. Millerbird ‎(5 revisions)
  18. Western Screech-Owl ‎(5 revisions)
  19. Nuku pu’u ‎(5 revisions)
  20. Green Heron ‎(5 revisions)
  21. Himalayan Vulture ‎(5 revisions)
  22. California Quail ‎(5 revisions)
  23. Ruby Topaz ‎(5 revisions)
  24. Collared Aracari ‎(5 revisions)
  25. Spotted Towhee ‎(5 revisions)
  26. Eastern Whipbird ‎(5 revisions)
  27. White-collared Manakin ‎(5 revisions)
  28. Passenger Pigeon ‎(5 revisions)
  29. Purple Martin ‎(5 revisions)
  30. Sociable Lapwing ‎(5 revisions)
  31. Lewis's Woodpecker ‎(5 revisions)
  32. Curve-billed Thrasher ‎(5 revisions)
  33. Swallow-tailed Hummingbird ‎(5 revisions)
  34. Eurasian Bullfinch ‎(5 revisions)
  35. Anna's Hummingbird ‎(5 revisions)
  36. Wattled Jacana ‎(5 revisions)
  37. Florida Grasshopper Sparrow ‎(5 revisions)
  38. Southwest Willow Flycatcher ‎(5 revisions)
  39. Thick-billed Parrot ‎(5 revisions)
  40. Mistletoebird ‎(5 revisions)
  41. Western Scrub-jay ‎(5 revisions)
  42. Nuttall's Woodpecker ‎(5 revisions)
  43. Golden-winged Warbler ‎(5 revisions)
  44. Green Jay ‎(5 revisions)
  45. White-crowned Sparrow ‎(5 revisions)
  46. Great Horned Owl ‎(5 revisions)
  47. Guianan Toucanet ‎(5 revisions)
  48. House Wren ‎(5 revisions)
  49. Caspian Gull ‎(5 revisions)
  50. Rüppell's Vulture ‎(5 revisions)

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